The Institute for Quality Children’s Services (IQCS) promotes the well-being of children in out-of-home care and their families by making scientifically supported quality practices accessible and actionable to federal, state, local government, private nonprofit, and for-profit child serving organizations and caregivers.

How Some Christian Group Homes Avoid Florida’s Standards
JAN 24, 2025 In place of the state, a nonprofit association has regulatory authority over about two dozen of the facilities.
SEE: The New York Times
Service Trajectories Of Children Entering Initial Residential Placement Via CPS Or Non-CPS Pathways
“Taking it day by day”: Maternity group homes in the lives of mothers aging out of foster care
Melissa Radey, Shamra Boel-Studt, Christopher J. Collins | Children and Youth Services Review
A mixed-methods evaluative study of the Life Model of residential care for trauma-affected children and youth
Boel-Studt, S. M., Deichen Hansen, M., & Dowdy-Hazlett, T. | Journal of Public Child Welfare